What Is the Legal Age to Get a Belly Button Piercing in the Uk

Opponents of ear piercing in infants have suggested that piercing is a form of abuse. They believe that children should not be exposed to pain for reasons of vanity. They also suggest that ear piercings in infants promote the idea that babies are an accessory or status symbol. Since babies are not able to make their own style decisions, style must therefore be to the parents` advantage. In Scotland, there is an important difference in the ear piercing law. If you are under the age of 16, you do not need to consent to a piercing. This means that you are technically allowed to have a piercing, but your parents must legally agree. “I think kids should have piercings since I had my ears pierced when I was two years old. And when I was 10 years old, I decided to do a second piercing and now I really want to pierce my nose. I think kids should have an opinion about what they do because adults can choose. We`re all the same, just younger. “I think after the age of 15, you should be able to go to a piercing shop without an adult, because then you are halfway to your true adulthood and responsible enough.

So if there is a problem, you can solve it and the parents have nothing to do with it. I want my belly button pierced, but I`ll wait until I`m about 15! “It`s stupid! It is up to the child to decide whether he wants a piercing or not. Not the government`s! Sometimes I think the government is doing a little too much. Even if parents are not happy with the idea of piercings, they should not leave one for their child! Immediately after a piercing, you usually need to leave the piercing inside until the wound is completely healed, otherwise the wound may close. We want to know what you think – should you decide when to get piercings? Or do you think some people are too young and it should be up to their parents? If the piercing is embedded, you should not remove it either, as this is the body`s way of protecting the new piercing. “I think young children shouldn`t have their ears pierced because it`s very painful. I think the lowest age to get their ears pierced should be when they just entered high school. Other piercings should not be performed before the age of 18.

I find all piercings except ears ugly and disgusting. Anyone under the age of 18 should need a permit. People aged 18 to 24 are more likely (47%) to feel 16 and older than 18 and older (35%), which is appropriate for piercings. According to the NHS website, there is no legal age restriction for most piercings, but performing genital piercings or nipples on people under 16 could be considered a criminal offence. Some local authorities and piercing companies may have their own regulations regarding age limits and consent to piercings. This applies to piercings on the ears, nose, eyebrows and navel. “I think kids over 10 should be able to tell if they want to pierce their ears because they`re old enough to make decisions. However, I think children under the age of 16 should have permission from a parent or guardian to receive other piercings such as navel, tongue, lips, nose, etc. “There is no legal age for the vast majority of piercings in most parts of the UK. This means that things like ear, nose, lips, tongue or belly button piercings are legal regardless of age. This is the general rule, but there are a few notable exceptions you should be aware of before assuming your piercing is fine.

The government wants to introduce the new law because it fears that many children under the age of 16 will receive piercings if they are too young and can contract serious infections. “I had pierced my ears when I was a baby, but it`s a family tradition. I think your parents should decide, one of the ear piercings after that is your decision. After all, everyone has a different choice. In England, there are separate rules for people under 16 who want a genital piercing. It is important to know the laws regarding piercings in the UK if you are considering getting one. Piercings are generally safe, so there are very few restrictions imposed by national legislation, although this may vary depending on the region you are in or the specific facility you are using. It may also differ depending on the specific location of your piercing, although most piercings are not specifically mentioned. However, the laws are quite simple, so it`s easy to check if your piercing is suitable. Age restrictions for piercings depend on which part of the UK you live in. “We believe that young children (under 3 years old) should not have their ears pierced. You should have a choice if you get your ears pierced, but with your parents` permission.

Maybe there should be a different age limit for different types of piercings. Local authorities also have the power to make their own licensing laws for salons that offer piercings. This means that in some areas, piercers must obtain parental consent before performing a piercing on a person under a certain age. Other salons may require parents to be present when the piercing occurs. Salons are also allowed (and in some cases mandatory) to ask customers for proof of age before proceeding with a piercing. Check if there are rules for piercings in your school. Most allow an ear stud or piercing, but some may be stricter. It`s worth checking before making your decision. Is this just a phase or has your child been asking for a piercing for a while? However, some local councils have issued age recommendations for those who want piercings. “I think anyone under the age of 5 shouldn`t have their ears pierced, but anyone could do it with their parents` permission. Other piercings such as navels must be at least 16 years old. Regardless of age, if your child gets a piercing, be sure to find a reputable and licensed piercing store or piercer.

Most local boards keep records of licensed piercers who have met health and safety standards and are regularly inspected by health and safety officers. For more information on what to look for in a safe and licensed piercing shop, visit the NHS Choices website. This means they can still get the piercing, but their mom or dad has to agree. “This is your life, once you`re over 10 years old you can decide what you want and you should be able to speak for yourself. In addition, some guardians and parents are not mature enough to decide if their child can get pierced. Currently, there are very few laws regulating piercings for minors. Earrings, nose piercings, tongue piercings and lip piercings can technically be performed on people of all ages. While there are no laws that specifically prohibit genital piercings or nipple piercings in people under the age of 16, there are many other laws that would be considered in these circumstances. “I don`t think it`s fair to ban it completely for a certain age because it`s people`s decision if they do it, but I think if you`re under 16, you should get permission. Some people say about 13 or 14, but since I`m 13 myself, I don`t think I should have piercings without permission at my age.

Genital piercings, nipples, skin/superficial implants, facial and oral piercings are strictly over 18 years old (parental consent would not work in this case) Beware of well-meaning parents. Your child may be abusing a grandparent, aunt or step-parent who may not be aware of your feelings on the subject. For most of the parents we spoke to, mothers seemed to be taking the lead in making this decision, but it`s always worth talking to your partner, so it`s a joint decision. If you decide to allow your child a piercing, be sure to choose a reputable jeweler. If you decide your child is too young, but want ideas on how to fight the pesky force, here are some tips. Concerned about the issue, the Welsh government recently called for an age limit for piercings. With a legal age of consent, it is argued, the risk of complications from piercings — which can include anything from simple bacterial infections to conditions such as blood poisoning or toxic shock syndrome — would be reduced in young people. The British public believes that in England and Wales there should be an age limit for ear piercings without parental consent, with more than two-thirds of the opinion that the age limit should be at least 16, and around one in five dictates that it should be at least 18. In all age groups, setting an age limit of 16 or older is the most popular option for ear piercings. The opinion is similar when it comes to piercings of other parts of the body: nine out of ten people say that the limit for this should be at least 16 years, and one in ten go so far as to say that the age should be at least 21 years or older. “I think children over the age of 10 should be able to make their own decision if they want to have their ears pierced. This will only be a small mistake because the holes eventually close, so it`s not like a tattoo that lasts forever.

Having piercings in questionable places is a bit too much, but just a nose, ear, or belly button piercing can`t do much harm. I think children can get pierced themselves.

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